This is a Late Pledge of my Kickstarter Campaign - Echoes: The Dark Portal
It contains models from the campaign - including all Stretch Goals.
Available in both non-commercial personal license and commercial license.
It has been successfully funded thanks to the support of 258 backers in April 2024.
Models from this set are made for FDM printing and do not require using any supports.
All files were test-printed multiple times using three different FDM printers -BambuLab A1,
BambuLab A1 mini and Creality K1.
All of the models can fit on the Prusa Mini/A1 Mini table (18x18x18cm).
Large models are prepared in two versions: whole (designed for standard-sized printers)
and cut into pieces, which are designed for small FDM printers.
None of the models offered in this campaign require the use of any supports
(except for a few models that have their own pre-built supports and do not require enabling supports in the slicer).
All models have been prepared for versatile use - they are suitable for both RPGs such as Dungeons and Dragons,
as well as for all kinds of wargames, such as Warhammer: Age of Sigmar or Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings.

Eons ago, near the biting sands of the Amethyst Oasis, under veils of mystery, a portal of enigmatic origin materialized,
serving as a gateway to dark realms beyond our own.
It was evident that this portal existed in a state of partial manifestation, permitting only intermittent breaches through which crept malevolent beings, dubbed simply "Shadows" by the ancients.
In response, arose the "Dawnseekers," also known as the "Bright Navigators," a cadre devoted to combating the encroaching darkness
and fostering the advancement of humanity amidst the most inhospitable corners of our world.
They strove to contain this arcane gateway, yet despite their efforts, the portal remained impervious to destruction or harm. Through the invocation of potent rituals, they succeeded solely in sealing the gate,
holding the Shadows at bay. Recent times have borne witness to stirrings within the portal, dispelling the notion that it had become mere fodder for legend. In response, the Dawnseekers,
evolved yet steadfast in their mission, resolved to erect a bastion and settlement in close proximity to the portal, prepared to swiftly counter any resurgence of the Dark Portal's influence.
This latest bastion is not the first of its kind raised by the Dawnseekers, yet they all share a common name: the Settlements of Dawn.
Embark now upon this journey, where three locations beckon: the Dark Portal, the Fortifications, and the Construction Site.

The Dark Portal
The subsequent location - Fortifications - comprises a versatile assortment of defensive structures, including modular walls and a Sun City Gate,
presented in two iterations. At the heart of this setting stands the Sun Shrine, towering above the surrounding fortifications.
Through the aid of Stretch Goals, enhancements await the Shrine, including potent artifacts and supplementary observation (and defensive) platforms.
These additions will further fortify the walls of the burgeoning settlement with mystical reinforcement.

Furthermore, the models depicting unfinished walls can be enriched
with elements from the third location (Construction Site),
allowing for the creation of intriguing settings for skirmish encounters
or captivating RPG adventures.
Construction Site
The final location is the Construction Site, seamlessly complementing the Fortifications to craft captivating
environments ripe for unforgettable tabletop experiences.
This set comprises numerous buildings in various stages of construction, accompanied by wooden scaffolding facilitating
the interconnection of individual building components.
Some elements of this location feature built-in supports, ensuring seamless printing,
particularly for printers lacking adequate cooling.
Overseeing the entire construction site are the Fiery Guardians (with alternative appearances available in Stretch Goals),
whose formidable protective magic ensures the safety of both the under-construction buildings
and the laborers raising them.
The pathways weaving amidst the construction sites are strewn with building materials
such as bricks, window frames, and barrels filled with various resources.

Bonus Models
Allow me to introduce Elena Nightingale - a Loreseeker in the service of Bright Navigators.
This is the very first miniature I've created- originally intended solely for showcasing the scale of other models on renders,
but I figured some of you might find it useful.
While far from perfect, I believe it looks decent enough to share.
This model falls under the commercial license for the Echoes: The Dark Portal set.